A new collaboration aims to develop a language model for Danish and other Germanic languages

Artificial intelligence A new large-scale EU research initiative aims to develop a Germanic language model, providing valuable insights for the subsequent major task: the development of a Danish language model designed for practical and meaningful applications. Many people are already acquainted with and regularly utilize ChatGPT and Bard. These language models operate within closed systems […]

Stakeholder meeting 4: AI in biodata: Industry insights

In this Stakeholder Meeting, we will explore the industry perspectives of using AI in biodata analysis. The meeting will be held in connection with Danish BioImaging Network’s annual scientific symposium.

Gør jeres produktion digital med kunstig intelligens

25. APRIL 2024 · ONLINE
Jo, det kan godt lade sig gøre at blive mere digital, mere bæredygtig og samtidig lave god forretning. Hvordan? Deltag i dette webinar, og få nogle erfaringer fra danske produktionsvirksomheder, der tester AI med succes. 

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