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25 June 2024

Stakeholder Meeting #4

AI in biodata: Industry insights

In this Stakeholder Meeting, we will explore the industry perspectives of using AI in biodata analysis. The meeting will be held in connection with Danish BioImaging Network's annual scientific symposium.

The workshop

Use of AI in biodata analysis

The Stakeholder Meetings are a series of afternoon meetings, where software producers, microscope facilities, and life scientists discuss common goals and needs.

At the previous meeting, we discussed whether life scientists should learn to program. In this meeting, we will explore the industry perspectives of using AI in biodata analysis.

This Stakeholder Meeting  will be held in connection with Danish BioImaging Network’s annual scientific symposium but we kindly ask you to sign up for the Stakeholder Meeting separately.

The agenda will include presentations by speakeres from the companies below, followed by an open discussion among all participants:

Target audience

Who should participate in the Stakeholder Meeting?

We invite researchers, companies and facilities in the field of biodata analysis to share their experiences and views on how we can work together for better science and innovation in the field.

Meeting notes in Miro

Follow this link to share meeting notes in Miro:

Agenda Stakeholder Meeting

The agenda will include presentations by the speakers below, followed by an open discussion among all participants:
Bigpicture: Accelerating artificial intelligence in pathology

Keynote speaker: Kirstine Roepstorff, Director of Pathology & Imaging, Novo Nordisk

AI-based image analysis is expected to revolutionize pathology. To enable development of AI-based image analysis algorithms, access to a large number of pathology images with associated metadata is needed.

That is the challenge the Bigpicture project is taking up. The project aims to address four main aspects: establishing infrastructure for storing and processing large pathology image datasets, ensuring legal and ethical compliance regarding patient data privacy, collecting an initial dataset of 3 million digital slides, and implementing functionalities for easier repository use and image processing. Ultimately, this may lead to significant efficiency gains, increased disease understanding, and eventually new treatment approaches. Novo Nordisk will present their perspective on these aspects during the project presentation.

Advancing Disease Research and Drug Discovery through High Content Imaging and AI-Powered Image Analysis

Liam Feltham, PhD European Applications Scientist – Imaging Molecular Devices

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into image analysis can overcome challenges faced by classical image analysis pipelines. These tools can be used to segment label-free cells/organoids and to perform phenotypical classification based on multiple analysis parameters, some of which may not be easily identifiable by the human eye.

This talk will explore how Molecular Devices machine learning-based segmentation (SINAP) and classification tools (Phenoglyphs) are designed to be used by any biologist – even those without previous experience with machine learning. This approach will be showcased by demonstrating the segmentation and classification of label-free, drug-treated organoids in a high-throughput manner.

Empowering biologists with easy-to-use access to these tools will help to advance disease research and drug discovery.

The Pivotal Role of Trust in Deploying and Adopting AI Technologies in Clinical Settings

Maria Bach Nielsen, Senior Project Manager, Techno-Anthropologist & Industrial PhD Fellow, Cerebriu

Maria Bach Nielsen will explore the pivotal role of trust in deploying and adopting AI technologies within clinical and preclinical settings. The talk will delve into the essential aspects of establishing and maintaining trust in AI applications for Neurology and Radiology, highlighting bespoke pilot strategies and more.

The meeting is organised by the Alexandra Institute in collaboration with Danish BioImaging Network (DBI) and Center for Quantification of Imaging Data from MAX IV (QIM).



Director of Pathology & Imaging
Novo Nordisk


PhD European Applications Scientist – Imaging
Molecular Devices


Senior Project Manager, Techno-Anthropologist & Industrial PhD Fellow


Your contacts regarding the
Stakeholder Meeting

Jon Sporring

Professor, PhD
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
+45 24 25 23 34

Emily Holm Jacobsen

Alexandra Institute
+45 60 52 39 89

Sif Bernstorff Lehmann

Alexandra Institute
+45 60 18 58 69

Katrine Hommelhoff Jensen

Principal Visual Computing Engineer, PhD
Alexandra Institute
+45 26 28 27 98

Past Stakeholder Meetings

Stakeholder Meeting #1
11 March 2022
Bioimage analysis

At the first Stakeholder Meeting, we discussed  opportunities and shared experiences and views on how we can work together for better science and innovation in the field of bioimage analysis.
Read more

Stakeholder Meeting #2
28 October 2022
Digital platforms

At the second Stakeholder Meeting, we discussed how to shape a software environment that easily integrates the skills of the programmers, people with image problems, researchers, and companies.
Read more

Stakeholder Meeting #3
12 May 2023
Should life scientists learn to program

At the third Stakeholder Meeting, we discussed whether scientists using biodata analysis for their research need to learn how to program in order to quantitatively analyse their data.
Read more

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