11 March 2022

Stakeholder Meeting #1

Bioimage analysis

Join us at this Stakeholder Meeting to share experiences and views on how we can work together for better science and innovation in the field of bioimage analysis.

Workshop topic

New opportunities with image analysis

Image analysis has become a bottleneck in image-based life science. Since 2015 the field of image analysis has achieved considerable breakthroughs with artificial intelligence offering the ability to segment and track objects in images for high-level modeling. 

At the same time, the Danish Imaging Core Facilities are expanding rapidly offering better image resolutions, new modalities, and automatic sampling, and life-scientists today have an unprecedented opportunity to see their world in new ways and generate enormous amounts of imaging data.

Achieving the best in both imaging and analysis is no simple task since it requires expert knowledge in life sciences, microscope hardware, artificial intelligence, and computing resource management.

At this first Stakeholder Meeting, we will discuss the opportunities for shaping the future of bioimage analysis between the microscope core facilities, the Alexandra Institute scientists, and the Industry.

Agenda Stakeholder Meeting

Experiences with and models for research-company collaborations at the Alexandra Institute
Katrine Hommelhoff Jensen, Alexandra Institute

Overview of the survey about image analysis done by Danish BioImaging in 2021 and a brief overview of image analysis techniques used in the lab and the department
Daniel Wüstner, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Experiences from QIM with bioimage analysis collaborations
Silas Nyboe Ørting, QIM and Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

Examples of images and  examples of user needs with image analysis in the facility
Nynne Meyn Christensen, University of Copenhagen BIO

Examples of the different types of image analysis performed at CPR and reNEW
Antonios Georgantzoglou, University of Copenhagen

Overview of programs used in the facility and possibilities with commercially available program for image segmentation and analysis
Thomas Hartig Braunstein, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Open discussion among all participants

The meeting is the first in a series of workshops on the future of bioimage analysis in Denmark. The meetings are organised by Danish Bioimaging (DBI), Center for Quantification of Imaging Data from MAX IV, and the Alexandra Institute. 

We hope you can spare a few minutes to answer some questions via the survey below. Your answers will help us get an overview of the stakeholders’ expectations and interests. We are interested in hearing from even if you do not participate in the meeting. Thank you!


Antonios Georgantzoglou

Special Consultant
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Center for Protein Research and Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW)
University of Copenhagen

Daniel Wüstner

Associate Professor
Bioimaging section
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB)
University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Katrine Hommelhoff Jensen

PhD, Ass. Head of Visual Computing Lab
Alexandra Institute

Nynne Meyn Christensen

Center Manager
Center for Advanced Bioimaging
University of Copenhagen BIO

Silas Nyboe Ørting

Post Doc researcher
Center for Quantification of Imaging Data from Max IV (QIM)

Thomas Hartig Braunstein

Applications Specialist
Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy
Faculty of of Health and Medical Sciences


Key takeaways

Expected outcomes are:

  • Knowledge exchange
  • Identifying high-level interests and needs
  • Networking
  • Planning future events


Your contacts regarding the
Stakeholder Meeting

Jon Sporring

Professor, PhD
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
+45 24 25 23 34

Clara Prats Gavalda

Associate Professor, PhD Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen +45 24 94 25 22 cprats@sund.ku.dk

Sarah Maria Rasch

Senior Anthropologist
Alexandra Institute

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