10 April 2025

Navigating cyber threats: An introduction to risk assessment

Cybersecurity risks are everywhere and managing them properly can make or break a successful business. In this webinar, we give you an end-to-end introduction to managing your risks.

About the webinar

How to manage cyber risks

Cybersecurity risks are everywhere and ever increasing, threatening public infrastructure as well as personal devices and online services. In parallel, regulators are focusing more and more on resilience and cybersecurity policies, affecting a great many companies (NIS2, Cyber Resilience Act). Finally, new technologies, such as genAI, bring new security concerns to the table.

Therefore, investing in understanding and managing our cyber risks is critical to safeguard our business. Risk assessment is a powerful tool to reason about risks, mitigations and their cost-benefit balance.

In this webinar, leaders, managers and techical profiles will get an overview of the risk assessment process. With the help of a simple example, we illustrate a structured step-by-step approach to divide and conquer.

Target audience

Why you should attend

The webinar is relevant for managerial, business and technical profiles: all contribute to a proper risk assessment in their own way and benefit from understing the process.


Key takeaways

  • Awareness of the increasing importance of managing cyber risks.
  • High-level understanding of the end-to-end risk assessment process.
  • Introduction to practical elements for a successful risk assessment.


Do you have any questions?

Please contact:

Zaruhi Aslanyan
Senior Security Architect, PhD
Alexandra Instituttet

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