19 February 2025

Do you want a NIS2 trial inspection?

The NIS2 directive imposes strict requirements on companies and organisations regarding cybersecurity and documentation. But do you know exactly what an inspection implies and what is required from you? In this webinar, you will get an overview.

About the webinar

What to expect from NIS2?

The NIS2 directive imposes strict requirements on companies and organisations regarding cybersecurity and documentation – but do you know exactly what an inspection implies?

In this webinar, Senior Security Architect, PhD Andreas Aabrandt, gives you some practical advice on how to best prepare for an inspection. Andreas has many years’ experience in ensuring that companies comply with new laws and regulations, including NIS1, the predecessor of NIS2. He has played a key role in companies that have undergone inspections and advised companies in compliance, giving him experience from both perspectives.

Andreas will share his knowledge on best practice for documentation and security procedures, so you are better prepared to meet regulatory requirements.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar. However, the focus is on sharing experiences and useful points of attention for your preparation for the upcoming NIS2 inspections.

After the webinar, you are welcome to contact us to discuss how we can best assist you in meeting the new NIS2 requirements and ensuring compliance in your specific organisation and industry context.

Target audience

Why you should attend

The webinar is relevant for companies and organisations within the scope of the NIS2 directive who wish to understand and meet the expectations of an inspection by the supervisory authorities.
The webinar seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How a NIS2 inspection is usually carried out,
  • What the supervisory authorities typically focus on,
  • What documentation requirements you may encounter, and how your company can meet them.


Welcome and introduction to the NIS2 directive

Brief introduction to the purpose of NIS2.

What does an inspection entail?
  • Overview of the inspection process.
  • Who are the supervisory authorities
  • Which parts of the company and its processes are typically in focus – and how can you prepare for that?
Understanding the documentation requirements in NIS2
  • Practical overview of what is meant by ‘documentation’ in the legal text.
  • Examples of security measures and procedures that need to be documented.
What requirements does NIS2 impose on companies?
  • The known and (yet) unknown requirements: What do we know from NIS1, and what are the new requirements?
  • The most stringent requirements in NIS2. Risk assessments, contingency plans, and reporting obligations.
Trial inspection by the Alexandra Institute
  • Offering and pricing
  • Delivery
  • Participants can ask questions in plenary.


Key takeaways

You will gain a realistic understanding of NIS2 inspections, making it easier for you to identify and strengthen your security measures and documentation, thereby preparing you for an inspection.


Do you have any questions regarding NIS2?

Please contact:

Andreas Aabrandt
Senior Security Architect, PhD
Alexandra Instituttet

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