Contact us
Please feel free to contact us to discuss business opportunities with data-driven solutions.
Send us a message here.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also call us on +45 7027 7012.
Would you like to expand your business and develop new digital products and services? We provide assistance to companies and organisations in applying cutting-edge IT research in practice.
Since 1999, it has been our mission to bring research outputs to market through partnerships and project collaboration with universities and companies.
Over the years, we have helped more than 1000 public and private organisations develop innovative data-driven products and services that enhance sustainable and societal growth.
Our R&D specialists cover a wide range of academic disciplines, ensuring that when you collaborate with us, you can have full confidence that our advice is based on the latest research findings.
We provide access to research-based knowledge to assist you in unlocking the potential of new technology.
Our experts are highly skilled in developing solutions that match your specific context.
We provide research-based knowledge within these business areas:
Use us as your independent IT consultant or sub-supplier.
Participate in one of our research and development projects.
New data-driven solutions are major engines for innovation and sustainable development.
However, it can be hard to find out how to unlock the business potential of these accelerating new technologies.
Our customers usually seek answers to these questions:
Most successful IT projects are developed by interdisciplinary teams and in collaboration with the users. With our mix of IT specialists, anthropologists, designers and business developers, we are able to build a team of dedicated experts who will work for your team from day one.
We build the right team — for your team — from day one.
We participate in research projects in collaboration with world-class universities. As a result, we may already know about a solution to your challenge. By teaming up with us, you can save time developing software components and testing new technologies and methods yourself – we can do it for you.
You decide the level of our involvement – we call it ASSIST IT – MIX IT or FIX IT.
Impartial digital innovation partner since 1999
We are ahead of the market. We strive to add significant value to businesses and society.
We deliver cutting-edge research. We collaborate with leading universities, and our methods and technologies are research-based.
We build effective multi-disciplinary teams to develop digital solutions that add value to users and businesses.
We provide impartial advice and build confidence. We are independent and customer-focused.
We act with integrity – both in what we do and what we say. We strive to be professional and fair and to meet our commitments.
The Alexandra Institute is one of seven Danish government-approved Research and Technology Organisations (called GTS institutes).
As a GTS institute, we have been assigned by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to transfer research-based knowledge to industry and help drive innovation and growth in public and private organisations.
Read more about GTS.
The Alexandra Institute is run by a board of directors composed of Aarhus University Research Foundation (owner), companies, research institutions as well as staff representatives.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss business opportunities with data-driven solutions.
Send us a message here.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also call us on +45 7027 7012.
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